~ John Morehead has a brief interview with Terry Muck which touches on the issue of why it is essential for evangelicals to be involved in inter-faith dialog. He's right but "dialog" sounds so liberal -- so much like we're giving up the gospel imperatives in order to have a nice pc conversation. Of course, that's not the true nature of dialog.
~ Note to self: Don't ever buy property on the border.
~ McDonald's has Shrek green straws as a part of their promotional. Cool.
~ I finally got around to watching the season finale of Heroes. Oh, that was anti-climactic and predictable. We'll have to see if they can recover enough to make the second season worth the time.
~ It sounds like Kevin David has accepted the call to serve as the lead pastor of Cornerstone Covenant Church, the position I left in order to serve at PIBC.
~ I chatted with Dave Owen yesterday. He's in San Diego, trying to get used to the cold. San Diego is like Guam in that it has a small predictable temperature range. Typically SD has a high of about 72 degrees and a low of perhaps 60 degrees. Guam's typical high is 88 degrees and the low is 78.
~ There are tangible benefits to choosing marriage over living together -- Don Johnson summarizes the Economist article.
~ It happened again this past week -- email sent to someone with a Hotmail account never made it through. Their filtering system is so primitive that most of the email I send to those addresses ends up in the spam/trash box. I do have a Hotmail account of my own for experimental purposes -- and even though I've never given the address out or posted it on the web -- it gets spam in the in box. Whatever they're doing at Hotmail just doesn't work. Gmail does.
~ Worth a look: David Fitch's post "Postmodernity as Good News for the Church"
~ Worth a look: Kurt Fredrickson on the American church's low-grade fever
~ Rapidly emerging trend: Facebook and iLike
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