Saturday, June 4

> Laptops outsell desktops for the first time -- the cost is down and mobility is becoming more important.

> Agree or disagree?

At megachurches, individual needs reign supreme. The freshly built, mall-like structures offer child-care services, food courts, book stores, youth programs, and counseling for what ails you: financial issues, marriage problems, sexual addiction, chemical dependency. There is no burdensome talk of fire and brimstone or a dictate to serve the poor. Those are downers. These churches flourish by making people feel good about themselves and the search for prosperity.
-- Hannah Lobel,

Evangelicalism: Philip Yancey on the truths, stereotypes, and misperceptions.

"There are lies, damn lies, and statistics." The argument continues over the statistical "evidence" that the abortion rate has increased during the Bush administration.

Betsy placed 21st in the state track and field trials yesterday -- not quite good enough to go on to the finals today. She ONLY did 36' in the triple jump. But that's okay. She's off this morning taking her SAT II tests. Oh, and our youngest is now officially a high school senior.

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