Wednesday, June 22

Wednesday Notes

  • 8 down -- 2 to go. I fly home on Friday!

  • Christian Computing has a stimulating article -- The Church in a World Gone Flat. Warning! -- 3 page .pdf

  • Scot McKnight has been graciously deconstructing the "Four Spiritual Laws".

    The Four Spiritual Laws are a tract designed to help people share the gospel with others, and at the same time they embody a theory of the gospel -- and inasmuch as it is an attempt to summarize the whole gospel (no one ever really says this but anyone who does reduce it like this is at least saying "this is the bottom-line of it all"), it is a theology of the gospel. We will get no where in our thinking and our praxis until we realize the interrelationships of theology and "gospel tracts" or "what we think the gospel is." Link

    The four laws tract was widely used in the 60's, 70's and 80's -- and was so
    misused at times that it became the subject of ridicule -- even among thinking evangelicals. But in some ways Scot's discussion is moot in that the tract doesn't seem to be in great use today. However, it is a great illustration of a reductionistic modern approach to Christians faith -- especially when contrasted with pre-modern and post-modern sources. It's a good discussion.

  • In case you're looking for an alternative to the Four Spiritual Laws check out the footprints in the sand. It's not what you think.

  • J. Richard Pearcey reflects on his experiences at L'Abri and the things which set it and the Schaeffers apart from many ministries. The authenticity, the aversion toward sending out pleas for money, day-by-day prayer for guidance rather than some long-range plan...
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