Thursday, July 14

Everett Honnette

Everett Honnette, one of the great servants of Christ in our congregation died this morning. He'd been struggling with cancer, heart issues, and related infections. Yet he was bound and determined that he wasn't going to let those things control his life.

Even though he didn't have much spunk last week he made it to worship Sunday. And as I was talking to him during the coffee time Ev was still cracking jokes about his condition.

He was born in Dunnell, Minnesota in 1922. He and Lucy came to Turlock about 53 years ago. In addition to farming, raising their five children, working for the post office, and selling real estate, Everett was extremely mission-minded and wanted more than anything for people to know the Lord. He learned Spanish so that he could help out with the Hispanic church plant that is now Iglesia del Pacto and he was involved in numerous mission trips to impoverished areas of Mexico. Ev was also a faithful member of our 6 a.m. Monday morning prayer group.

We will miss him (a lot!) but we rejoice in the home-going of this faithful servant of Christ.

UPDATE: The memorial service for Everett will be at 10 a.m., Monday, July 18th, @ Cornerstone Covenant Church, 4105 Crowell Rd., Turlock, California.

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