The End of Europe -- Robert J. Samuelson: ...in general Europe is immobilized by its problems. This is the classic dilemma of democracy: Too many people benefit from the status quo to change it; but the status quo isn't sustainable. Even modest efforts in France and Germany to curb social benefits have triggered backlashes. Many Europeans -- maybe most -- live in a state of delusion. Believing things should continue as before, they see almost any change as menacing.
The Arizona citrus industry is fading away. Growers claim to be victims of trade and land-use policy changes.
Free online document conversion -- 14 different formats to .pdf
A good business model makes money even in difficult times. Most of the airlines are really hurting right now -- especially with the high cost of fuel. Southwest Airlines continues to generate buckets of money.
So, what exactly is it that keeps the Roman Catholics and the Eastern Orthodox from getting their act together? Frederica Mathewes-Green is probably going to ruffle some feathers with her explanation in today's Wall Street Journal.
PBS is going to offer an online television show this fall called NerdTV -- "...broadcast television's first entirely downloadable series, featuring PBS technology columnist and industry insider Robert X. Cringely's interviews with personalities from the ever-changing world of technology."
I'm still grieving the loss of TechTV and I'm not sure if I'm ready yet to bond with another geeky show. At least I could watch it on my laptop and my children wouldn't roll their eyes in disbelief that I'm actually using television time for such things.

So, you've always wanted to build your very own yurt... Not me, I'd love to have one but the building part scares me. However, those of you who know how to use a saw and a drill might get excited over the construction possibilities.
I noticed that there is an employment application box on the construction fence at El Pollo Loco (Monte Vista Crossing shopping center). If I were a young kid again, looking for a fast food job, I'd definitely fill one of those out. Not only would you have access to some of the best fastfood around -- but you might get a chance to practice some of your conversational Spanish working for a truly Mexican franchise -- an international corporation to add to your resume. Don't be chicken, Karl! You'd be crazy to pass this one by.
A new television series in Britain suggests that there are fundamental differences between the male and female brains. And they've come up with some recent research to prove it.
Okay... I guess Dr Laura isn't syndicated in the UK -- or they'd already know all of that.
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