Sunday, July 17

Sunday Notes

Yes, the AC works. I just like driving around in 103° heat with the windows open. It's like having a convertible except with shade. ( says that even though it is 103°, it only feels like 102° because of the low humidity. Exactly, it feels a whole lot more like 102 than 103 to me.)
In case you're looking for a more sober approach to real estate -- The Housing Bubble 2 -- one of the housing blogs in the news.
Rob Reed, who has been our mission partner in La Coruña, Spain, for nine years was with us for worship and lunch today. It was really good to be with him and to hear about the joys and challenges of being church there. He and Nancy, and the kids, return home to Spain tomorrow.
IBM has come out with some tools for corporate blogging.
UC Merced opens with its first undergrad class this fall. Some of the Merced churches are gearing up to reach the new university students.

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