This turns the whole "broadcast" industry upside down as it moves television into an on-demand digital mode. In other words, you'll be able to download and watch the new Dr Who on your mobile phone or your home television set -- at your convenience. It takes the whole TiVo thing a step further and makes on-demand programing more accessible.
Unfortunately, it appears that they intend to restrict the service to viewers in the UK. This means that there will be a whole set of entrepreneurial types in the UK who will set-up proxy servers to allow the rest of the world access.

EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOES -- "According to a recent Lilly Foundation study of 2,500 Episcopalians, only 8/10 of 1 percent were young people school-age through college."
THE GOVERNMENT OF VENEZUELA has temporarily suspended permits for foreign missionaries after American religious TV personality Pat Robertson advocated the assassination of Hugo Chavez, the country's president. Link
THE INNOVATIVE LUGGAGE routing system at the Denver Airport, which didn't work right from day one, has been abandoned -- after 10 years of frustration. Link
A UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA professor has figured out a way to process a chicken so that in the end it comes out as all white meat. Since the fattier, more succulent dark meat has all the flavor, why would anyone want to ruin it by making it white? After reading this article on innovative chicken processing, I'm thinking that I should just stick to the veggie-burgers anyway.
THE KEY LIME truffles that I picked up from the Sees store last week are more than edible. Of course, ever since that trip to Florida two years ago I've been keen on anything key lime. I've even got three or four key lime trees in pots that I started from seed (one is a few feet high). Key limes are one of the few varieties of citrus that will give you decent fruit from seed started plants. I suspect, though, that we aren't hot enough, long enough to produce much fruit.
MY EXCUSE is that the Blogger spell-check has been pretty hit and miss these past few days -- operational intermittently.
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