CAN AOL REINVENT ITSELF? They are counting on their new portal -- or else... Link
NEW LONDON BUDGET HOTEL -- EasyJet founder Stelios Haji-Ioannou opened his first "no-frills" easyHotel on Monday. Prices start at £20. Link (via TP)
KINGDOM COME -- Dan lent me his copy of the Jill Phillips beautiful CD of hymns Kingdom Come. Vocal with acoustic guitar -- simple, sweet, understated, genuine. Update: I picked up my own copy for $10 at the Family Bible Center. Such a deal!

This has been a point of disagreement between the dairy industry and regulators over the past few years. Some of the discussion revolves around the amount of ammonia produced on farms. In the winter time ammonia particles can mix with the ground fog making the air unbreathable. More often, though, the debate centers on how much VOC (volatile organic compounds) belching cows emit.
Regulators are partially drawing their conclusions on new research done by Frank Mitloehner at UC Davis. However, Mitloehner contends that the regulators are misreading the results of his work and are coming to unfounded conclusions. For more background see the summary of research being done at UC Davis.
In the 1950's dairy farms were mostly small family operations, more geographically dispersed, where the relatively low number of animals made cow waste somewhat incidental. The state had almost 20,000 dairies, averaging 40 cows a piece. However, the industry has changed and there are now over 2,100 dairies with an average of over 720 cows each. Some dairies have as many as 14,000 cows -- all concentrated in one place. Most of the dairies are here in the Central Valley.
IOW, we can't just blame our air problems on the influx of humans into the Valley. The cows are a part of the problem. We just can't agree on whether they are a significant part. If it is determined that they are a major issue a part of the solution may be reformulating their feed.
STATE OF THE BLOGOSPHERE -- 14.2 million blogs, 1 new blog every second, 80,000 new blogs every day, blogosphere doubles every 5.5 months, 55% of all blog are active, 13% are updated at least weekly. Link
TV ON THE WEB -- NY Times article on how more people are accessing television through the Internet and how that affects the medium.
re the State of the Blogosphere - use the "Next Blog" function on Blogger and see how many of the randomly-selected blogs you hit were started today or even in the past month. You'll be amazed at how many newbies there are. And I'll wager that half or more will never have new content after about a month... -Rick
what the don't tell you is that 90% of blogs are owned by 13-year-old girls, who fill them with such pithy comments as "omg at skool i saw this hottie and i was so embarrased lol cuz he loked at me and i blushed and ran away lol :) did u see the oc last night it was hot lol omg i hate myself"
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