Sunday, December 11

The fun folks at Merriam-Webster have created an open dictionary where readers can submit new words and definitions. Some of my favorites:

fat (verb): past tense of fit

sarcast (verb): A sarcastic broadcast.

Podcaste (noun) : One of a stratified grouping of audio programs that are available on the internets.

Zipperhead (noun) : An empty-headed person; i.e., a person with a zipper in their head through which their brain has been removed.

chatspeak (noun) : Use of letters for words such as "y" for "why" or "u" for "you." Also when you cut vowels from words as you type such as "srry". Or use numbers in the word such as "2nite" "2mrrw" or when you combine all of them at once. For example: "Wut r u dng 2mrrw?"

e-nail (verb) : to expose yourself unwittingly, or to be exposed by another, by the forwarding of an e-mail containing personal comments to the person referred to in the message. One e-nails oneself most often by adding cc recipients to a long exchange, forgetting that the person added is referred to earlier in the exchange.

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