Yahoo is expanding its webcast offerings of CBS television shows to two sitcom re-runs this week. Apparently they think they are reaching out to "viewers who have shunned TV for the Internet." But they're missing the point. One reason that so many people have shunned TV for the Internet is that TV has become one continuous sitcom re-run produced by the same puerile people. Even new sitcoms are inane re-runs -- whether they are delivered via television or the Internet. Television (and its advertising backbone) tends to treat viewers as one dimensional and myopically focused on adolescent-level sexuality.
(Rant mode off)
You're right on here- too much of the same on TV. There's essentially 3 shows now on the networks (excluding Lost, which rules):
1) Sappy sitcoms that attempt to be witty
2) "Reality" shows
3) Cop dramas
The internet offers a lot more in the ways of entertainment these days.
Wish I'da said it.
And that's saying nothing of that bandwidth hog.
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