SBC Park, which used to be PacBell Park, will henceforth, until the next telecom merger, be known as AT&T Park. This is the third name that the stadium home of the San Francisco Giants has had since 2004. No wonder they have a hard time winning. They keep changing the name of the stadium so the Giants are never sure if they're home.
What do you think would happen if there was a grassroots revolt and everyone just ignored this corporate piffle and simply called it Candlestick Park?
We actually did that here in Colorado. When the (name of the company who paid a kajillion dollars to have its name used) Statium was built, nobody cared. We still call it the Mile High Stadium, and we all know what we mean.
Except Candlestick Park is located 10 miles to the south. This stadium never had it's own identity to begin with. They ought to just call it Giants Stadium.
Candlestick Park doesn't exist either. It's been renamed Monster Park. I suppose it would be confusing to attach Candlestick to the new stadium -- especially while the old former Candlestick still stands. Maybe we should have a contest to give the baseball park a non-corporate nickname that everyone but the suits would use -- and which would stay the same over the years. Giants Stadium would be a good option.
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