Tuesday, May 2


..."Part of the 160 acres proposed for a San Joaquin Delta College Lodi campus is under water, flooded from a break in a privately owned levee on the Mokelumne River." Hopefully the architects will make creative use of pontoons and stilts as they come up with a campus design.

...While the pundits argue over the size and effectiveness of Monday's immigrant boycott and rallies, I think it is worth pointing out that the whole thing was civil and peaceful. Well-behaved people pressing their point is the American experiment at its best.

...Now online: Yahoo! Tech -- a chance to talk gadgets and sell computers, phones, cameras, etc. -- AP story

...Puerto Rico has run out of money -- or at least the politicians can't agree on how to allocate the money they do have; so the government has been shut down.

...Forget about the hydrogen economy. George Olah thinks that methanol is the key to weaning the world off oil.

...KUAM in Guam has given their website and broadcast studios a new look.

...King of the Hill Church -- You Tube video clip (via)

...Statistical Illusion -- Bob Smietana article in CT -- New study confirms that we go to church much less than we say.

...Steve Jobs tells his story at the Stanford graduate commencement ceremony.

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