Thursday, April 19


~ Google map which shows which illness are active in your area. Interesting idea. It assumes, of course, that people are going to feel healthy enough to go online and report their symptoms to the world. It kind of all looks the same to me. Most areas of the US are experiencing runny noses, coughs, and muscle aches. Sounds like the flu. Take 500 mgs of acetaminophen, drink plenty of liquids, get lots of rest, and redeem the time by playing with one of Google's new applications. You'll feel better in the morning.
Disneyland train now running on bio-diesel
~ Google is going to be adding a presentation program to its application suite. Don't expect as many bells and whistles as PowerPoint. But maybe that's good for most users.

~ They've converted the trains at Disneyland over to biodiesel -- 98% soybean oil, 2% diesel. Now it's not only the happiest place on earth but perhaps soon the greenest?

Disneyland is going green. Wal-Mart is going green. Perhaps business is figuring out that clean is ultimately more profitable.

~ Preach it David. You preach it! And all the small church pastors will rise up and call you blessed.

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