Saturday, May 12


calf with two noses~ This double schnoz calf was born in Wisconsin. The poor animal will get a double-dose of that fragrance called dairy farm.

~ Even Berkeley has limits. "No, you can't live in shipping containers." So everyone is packing up and moving to Oakland.

~ Here comes the bride, all dress in green...

~ Ordination exam for the Episcopal Church. Interesting questions -- actually very good questions. I wonder if the expected responses would be different today than if they had asked these questions 75 years ago. (via)

Warren Buffet with uke~ Google is going to start doing a comprehensive flagging of all websites which contain malware -- those nasty sites which download extra little surprises onto our computers. Google is our friend. We'd all be in trouble if they ever went over to the darkside.

~ Is that Waren Buffet on a tenor uke? No wonder the guy is so rich. He really knows how to make music.

~ CT article on the unending food emergencies around the world: The real problem isn't drought -- but that there are people who have not or cannot join the modern economy.

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