~ "Africanization of the South Pacific" -- probably not a fair description of what's happening to places such as East Timor, the Solomons, Bougainville, Port Moresby and Tonga. Africa is moving toward stability (albeit slowly) but these places seem to be destabilizing and could easily become global threats.
~ Business cards (or as many, under Asian influence in this part of the world say -- "name cards") as works of art -- pictures. (via)
~ A couple of New Zealand physicians are proposing that potential immigrants should be screened for obesity and smoking habits because there isn't enough funding to address the health issues associated with those conditions.
~ The Charismatic Episcopal Church was started in 1992 as a convergence denomination of mostly charismatic Christians who were moving toward a more "historical" understanding of liturgy and the episcopacy. Now some CEC parishes are moving even further that direction entering into the Eastern Orthodox Church. St Patrick Orthodox Mission in Warrenton, Virginia was formed in March. There is also a CEC conversion going on in Oklahoma City. Rumors of more parishes moving into the Western Rite Vicariate of the Antiochian Orthodox Church abound. I'm not sure it's enough to call a movement -- yet.
~ Plastic replaces passing the plate -- Visa says that their business with US religious organizations increased 21% last year. Like it or not, for better or worse, this is the way things will go. So, church, I just want to say one word to you -- just one word... plastic.
~ Charlie, writing from Tucson, is arguing that the whole hard nose tighten the borders approach has never really worked in the US. So why do we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again? He says, "It's time to end the insanity of walls and laws. What's needed is a guest worker program large enough to match US labor demand, with low entrance fees and legal guarantees against exploitation." I tend to agree. You can't regulate the rain but you can somewhat channel the water once it hits the ground.
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