TROPICAL STORM MAN-YI has been passing through the neighborhood. Power was out off and on yesterday (mostly off). Parts of Guam are without power this morning. Parts that had power an hour ago are without now. It comes and goes. Winds are still high -- but not typhoon strength. The weather people still expect Man-Yi to become a typhoon but it should be past here when that happens.
The picture is of the area outside my office. High winds blowing through the rafters of the building (one of the non-concrete buildings on campus) forced the drop-down ceiling to drop yesterday.
Yikes, Brad! Poor Mohammed.
For those who don't know, Mohammed is one of our students (from Bangladesh). He helps with the maintenance during the school year but since our chief maintenance guy is gone and our new chief hasn't arrived, yet, Mo is it. And with so many people gone during the summer months a lot has been left for him to do. Fortunately, he is extremely capable and organized.
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