~ In the pictures -- Our good friends Derwin and Lisa Dy, also from California, joined us at the PIBC feast. Derwin brought the only deep fried turkey. Some of the students loaded up their plates. Micronesians aren't quite sure of what to make of turkey and mashed potatoes. Some love it but some can't imagine what we see in the meal. However, they're all gracious.
~ Rob Watt, who is the PIBC teaching facility coordinator on Palau, has started blogging. He is currently on home assignment in Pennsylvania but will be returning to the Islands in January. It's so funny seeing a picture of him wearing a jacket. -- Link
~ Another Episcopal Church bishop is swimming the Tiber. The current Anglican split is probably the Roman Catholic Church's most effective evangelistic feed. -- Link
~ It was on November 22, 1963 that my 2nd grade teacher lost it and everyone in the class had to put their heads down on their desks so she could turn away and sob. The president had been shot. They did let us go out for recess that afternoon but all anyone could talk about was the impending Russian invasion.
~ The changing face of Christianity in Africa -- Link
~ Review of Enchanted, which is on my "to see" list -- Link
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