Monday, August 25


David ScholerApparently David Scholer, one of the great American New Testament theologians of the last 50 years has crossed the finish line. He was an outstanding scholar and a genuine man of faith -- approachable -- passionate and steady. He was an acquaintance of mine from his time at North Park Seminary. ~ link

Buy a 250 sq ft condo in San Francisco for $279,000. It's a foot in the door -- but not much more would fit. ~ link

More on the removal of trays from college cafeterias -- have we reached a tipping point? ~ link

Google decided that for some reason I needed to be a part of the iGoogle left navigation experiment -- completely screwed up my iGoogle start page to deliver a set of features that I don't want and can't get rid of. They are redundant and aren't my style -- the gadgets don't work -- and there is no way to opt out in the system. This is the first time that I've been really annoyed with Google.

I've been playing with my old page -- lots of cool new stuff over there these days sending out a siren's call.

North Korean answer to national malnutrition -- develop a noodle that keeps people from feeling hungry -- the old ignore the disease, treat the symptom trick -- assuming that the noodle actually functions as advertised ~ link

"Greenland ice core reveals history of pollution in the Arctic -- but there’s a twist, it was worse 100 years ago" ~ link (via)


Sean Meade said...

the best solution to NKorea's malnutrition problem would be the loss of Kim Jung Il and his son.

arachesostufo said...

un saluto cordiale da scorzè