Friday, November 14


WALL-E fans will enjoy BURN-E -- 7 minutes of fun. I did. (Amazon says my WALL-E DVD shipped two days ago -- can't wait!) ~ link

The real genius of Walmart is that they expand when the economy is robust, thus positioning themselves to make a killing when things slow down. ~ link

"A South Carolina Roman Catholic priest has told his parishioners that they should refrain from receiving Holy Communion if they voted for Barack Obama because the Democratic president-elect supports abortion, and supporting him 'constitutes material cooperation with intrinsic evil.'" ~ link

Using this logic, anytime you vote for anyone (or pay taxes to the government!) you're going to end up cooperating with intrinsic evil. The only person worthy of a vote would be Jesus -- and he has enough sense to avoid entanglement in presidential politics.

1 comment:

Sean Meade said...

oo! thanks for BURN-E. this link was gone already, but i found it on YouTube.

nice Battlestar Galactica launch tube homage around 1:10!