Saturday, July 4


Bartholomaeus ZiegenbalgHappy Independence Day! I enjoyed the fireworks.

• Here's a guy I'd like to know -- perhaps someday. A century before William Carey arrived in India, Bartholomaeus Ziegenbalg, "the first evangelical missionary to India set out to prove that the gospel does not destroy culture but transforms it from within." Bart (I hope he doesn't mind me calling him that) was a Danish Pietist. ~ link

RIP CompuServe. The online service had been under hospice care for several years. ~ link

• The under-construction Hoover Dam bypass bridge is a totally incredible project -- destined to become one of the great wonders of the world. ~ link

It's good to be back home in Phoenix -- although we're actually at my parent's home this time. I suspect that until we get situated we'll be bouncing around a bit. Vagabonds.

The license plate (Arizona only issues a back plate -- or "tag" for you East Coast folk) for our Corolla arrived in the mail while we were gone. At least one phase of the transition is complete.

14% of the children in the Democratic Republic of Congo will die before their fifth birthday. ~ link

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