bought a car --
traveled a little to see family up north --
had good family time in Arizona --
bought a nice little house off the distressed real estate market in Laveen (Phoenix) --
hung light fixtures and ceiling fans --
moved our Guam belongs out of storage and into the house --
found two couples who want to start a church --
started meeting as a church a couple of times a month --
met lots and lots of new people --
painted --
planted --
and painted some more --
loaded our belongs from the storage container in Turlock into a truck and drove it to Phoenix --
spent hours in the dentist chair --
and many many many hours dealing with Cheryl's broken wrist (which BTW, is healing well and she is a trooper in doing the physical therapy).
Neither Cheryl nor I have landed revenue producing jobs, yet. She has applied for over 70 positions and has had one interview as a result. Usually, when we move some place the jobs find her -- and there are often multiple opportunities. I haven't applied for nearly as many jobs. But I've filled out quite a few part-time teaching applications. These are interesting times. And we're still doing okay financially -- living off savings.
Sometimes when things don't seem to be happening as fast as we'd like, it is helpful to look back over several months just to see how much has been accomplished. And I suppose that if we had paying jobs we wouldn't have been able to get so much done. God is good.
How the heck do you mow that?
Tomorrow will be better!
Mow? We live in a post-grass society. Don't really miss it either. There is some at a park down the street if I start to feel nostalgic for it.
Whether tomorrow is better or not I don't know. But I am confident that God's provision is constant. And even when things don't move as quickly as we'd like I'm not terribly worried about it.
I bet you are. Everyday is new in the morning.
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