Tuesday, December 1


THE Church of Sweden shrank about 1% last year -- likewise the Covenant Church in Sweden. ~ link

HOW a mighty church falls: what it takes to prevent congregational decline by Gordon MacDonald ~ link

"HOW to speak about the Emerging Church without sounding like a moron" -- Actually, as much as I love these guys and admire their passion, I've come to the conclusion that there aren't as many people talking about them as they think there are. ~ link

WONDERFUL WWII Good Samaritan story ~ link

THAT online English tutor may be coming to you from India. ~ link

OUR limelight-loving sheriff is suing the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and a bunch of other county administrators -- AGAIN (Is this the 6th or 7th time?). Apparently they've all conspired together to stop him from doing his job -- thus halting the glorious wheels of justice. The political circus here is almost as entertaining as the one on Guam -- perhaps more pathetic. ~ link

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