• A THREE year old ban in Malaysia on non-Muslims referring to God as Allah has been overturned by the high court. Christians there have apparently used the word Allah to refer to God the Father for hundreds of years. ~ link
• THE Assemblies of God has a new category for multi-site churches in their denomination. ~ link
• SADDLEBACK CHURCH is trying to raise $900,000 to end the year debt-free (link). I noticed that three of the listener-supported radio stations in Phoenix were holding extra last minute fund drives today, too.
• THE argument against developing a social media strategy for your church ~ link
• I FOUND a Phoenix area nursery which sells calamansi tress -- very nice 4 ft tall tress -- loaded with fruit. But with a $102/each price tag I'll continue to water my calamansi seeds.
• The US population grew about 1% last year. There are now 308,400,408 of us. "In January 2010, one birth is expected to occur every eight seconds in the United States and one death every 12 seconds." ~ link
• "FREE online university gets high first marks" ~ link
• SWEDES are changing their last names in record numbers. ~ link
Hae never been to Lesotho. Spent parts of 2 summers in South Africa, 1975 and 1977. In '75, touring with the Continentals, had the privilege of presenting the first concerts to mixed race audiences in years. Stayed in English, Afrikaaner, black and colored homes and sang in all their churches, in black universities and in town halls. South Africa is the most geographically beautiful place I have ever been.
Dick and Pam Nystrom served in Lesotho with the Peace Corps a few years back. They've got some really neat stories.
with infinite hope, Jim
Massimo used to race rally cars for Toyota through Lesotho. It turns out that he raced down the mountain into Maseru at the same time that that Covenanters, Stan & Lorri Nussbaum, lived & ministered there! Lorri and some of her FB friends mentioned watching the rally cars race.
$102? Yikes! Brad, do you think that you, Marisol and I should start a business selling calamansi seeds together? We could save people a lot of money.
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