Friday, April 9


Conan billboard✽ "Thousands of digital billboards have sprung up around the nation with one purpose: displaying Conan's current tweet." His PR people are sharp. ~ link

OT era discovery:
Canadian archeologists in Turkey have unearthed an ancient treaty written in cuneiform that could have served as a model for the biblical description of God's covenant with the Israelites.

The tablet, dating from about 670 BC, is a treaty between the powerful Assyrian king and his weaker vassal states, written in a highly formulaic language very similar in form and style to the story of Abraham's covenant with God in the Hebrew Bible, says University of Toronto archeologist Timothy Harrison. ~ link
Dietrich Bonhoeffer became a double-agent involved in the plot to assassinate Hitler after he mustered some guts during his time in the US, according to a new biography. Today is the 65th anniversary of his death. ~ link

✽ Ancient Chamorro cultural rituals still practiced daily on Guam. ~ link

✽ Brandon O'Brien, author of The Strategically Small Church, and Chuck Warnock, are hosting a free webinar on May 6th, "The Strengths of a Small Church." YES! ~ link (via)

Venture capital opportunity in Mexico ~ link

Varanus bitatawaNew 6-ft lizard discovered in the Philippines! (Actually they've been there awhile; they're only new to the outside of the world.) ~ link

✽ Watch the spread of Walmart in flowing chart -- fascinating ~ link

More than 60% of Tweeps aren't American. ~ link

Bruce Waltke, a prominent evangelical Old Testament scholar has resigned, apparently under pressure, from Reformed Theological Seminary following his comments on evolution. I have no doubt that he'll have no trouble finding new teaching gigs -- if he is so inclined. ~ link

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