✽ Re-imaging the license plate ~ FastCompany
✽ Some people caught in the housing crisis are finding that it is cheaper and easier to live in an extended-stay hotel. For example, a one-bedroom suite costs around $700 a month in Phoenix. That includes cable and utilities (yes -- air conditioning). ~ ABC15.com
✽ NYC is looking for a CDO ~ Wall Street Journal
✽ BP now willing to listen to the amateurs ~ BBC News
✽ A new study suggests that all the fear about rising oceans sinking Pacific islands is unfounded. Some of the islands are actually rising. ~ BBC News
✽ 55 million people speak Jinyu Chinese and there still is not a Jinyu translation of the Bible. ~ link
✽ It is "'an entirely fair criticism' to say the company was not fully equipped to handle what he (BP CEO Tony Hayward) called the 'low-probability, high-impact' accident." ~ NPR
✽ AZ SB1070:
ABC legal analyst Royal Oakes believes Senate Bill 1070, Arizona's new immigration law, will stand up to courtroom challenges, although he says, "It's going to be a long drawn-out process."✽ "12% of urban church plants reach 200 by their 4th year. -forthcoming urban planting study from LW Research & @stephentgray" ~ Ed Stetzer
...Oakes sees as the biggest challenge: "Does Arizona even have a right to pass a law like this or is it exclusively the power of the federal government to regulate immigration?" ~ KTAR.com
✽ "How Online Education Just Might Save the World" -- a little hyperbole in the headline but eEdu really does provide access to people who would not otherwise be able to further their education. ~ DistanceEducation.org
✽ Theological graffiti is a bit esoteric but amusing. Example:
Brian McLaren,
Not to be mistaken for Rick Warren,
Is thankfully not purpose-driven,
But likewise, theologically, needs to be generously forgiven.
~ Faith and Theology
✽ A slightly different take on the issue -- "Ten Ways the Internet Is Changing Evangelism and Missions" ~ Lausanne World Pulse
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