✽ "World's only solar powered light bulb" -- s-l-o-w-l-y but surely, the solar revolution is taking off. The real challenge will be to make it affordable for the developing world -- the people who most need it. ~ Nokero (via)
✽ The fail whale seems to be really busy on Twitter tonight.
✽ Free wi-fi at all US Starbucks starting July 1st. A-N-D while there, customers will have free access to several paid sites such as WSJ.com. ~ link | WSJ.com
✽ Oh, great, this is really going to simplify things. "US finds minerals in Afghanistan worth billions" Well, actually, mineral experts have been aware of this for years. ~ CNN | Wired
✽ "Biblical community is more about choice than affinity." ~ John Scheepers
✽ And once they're done with the World Cup South Africa will get to host the inaugural global citrus conference. ~ link
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