✽ The Voyage of the Dawn Treader trailer has been released. I can't wait!
✽ We're upset over the Gulf oil spill. Nigeria has been experiencing huge spills of similar magnitude annually, many from American-based companies, for 50 years. We live such insular lives. ~ New York Times
✽ "Getting Your PhD Online: What You Need to Know" ~ DistanceEducation.org
✽ Arizona State University has a new engineering program that is supposed to go "above and beyond -- cultivating ‘Renaissance engineers’ to tackle the world’s most critical challenges." But isn't that supposed to be the whole point of putting ALL education, even for technical fields such as engineering, in the context of a liberal arts university? We're not just trying to train people to be more productive or marketable technicians. We are developing breadth so that we encourage integration of learning across the various disciplines. It sure wouldn't hurt to have more engineers with MFA or MSW degrees.
✽ Arizona's unemployment rate jumped to 9.6% despite a net gain of 3,400 jobs. This recession is like a lingering cold. You get better for a few days but then it's back, you get better for a few more days, then you feel yucky again. Eventually, though, we seem to get over it. ~ Phoenix Business News

✽ Quotable:
Animals have the "rights" to be treated kindly by human beings, who have a divine mandate, from the creation account in Genesis, to be caretakers of the non-human creation. This certainly means no abusive treatment, measures to prevent unnecessary animal suffering, as well as a positive concern for the overall environmental well-being of which we are all--humans and animals--a part. But Christians need also to be resistant to the metaphysics of "species egalitarianism." Talk of "Brother Sun and Sister Moon" has a nice ring to it, but it gets theologically weird when we start thinking "Brother Horse and Sister Chicken"! ~ Richard Mouw, Washington Post✽ The latest Brushstrokes, my e-letter for MasterPiece Church is now online. ~ link
✽ Washington Post-ABC poll: "Most Americans support the new, controversial Arizona law that gives police there the power to check the residency status of suspected illegal immigrants. But most also still back a program giving those here illegally the right to earn legal documentation..." ~ link
✽ Why I am still opposed to Arizona's immigration law ~ link
✽ Tropical Storm Blas has been born in the Pacific, south of Baja, Mexico. But it is moving away from land. ~ Yahoo News
✽Tinyiko Maluleke: "I see the vuvuzela as a symbol -- as a symbol of Africa's cry for acknowledgement." Personally, I see the vuvuzela as an unfortunate sign that major global sporting events of the future will think twice about scheduling in Africa. ☹ The question is, as always, are we more interested in making grand statements or in implementing the kinds of change that will actually help people? ~ CT
Oregon's unemployment stands at 10.6%, but that's down from the high of 11.6% in May and June 2009.
Love how widely you read and think as evidenced by your blog, Pastor Brad.
I am very partial to helping immigrants because it is biblical; yet the whole issue is as messy as a certain gulf spill I suppose.
Coral Ridge logo is great. My late husband and I visited there when I lived in south Florida; actually our Covenant house guests did not want to attend our local Covenant church and we went to Coral Ridge. We all had our pictures taken with the late D. James Kennedy and his wife. I guess a Billy Graham family member is now their senior pastor.
As for us in central Florida, we are enjoying the Ligonier conference in Orlando. Posted on the excellent Social Media sessions on one of my blogs.
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