✽ Even more amazing than that the whale lept onto the yacht is that someone captured the whole thing on video and that it's viewable for everyone online. ~ BBC News
✽ A Baptist in a clerical collar? ~ ABP
✽ Good administrators are characterized by accepting a high degree of responsibility but exercising low control. ~ CHE
✽ The US government has finally recognized that it was not being realistic in its goal of moving 8,000 Marines from Okinawa to Guam by 2014. ~ Reuters
✽ "A new player entered the field of open online education last week: Nixty, a Web site that allows any user to take and create courses for free." ~ CHE
✽ Mind boggling -- A Florida church is planning to burn Qurans on 9/11. How, pray-tell, does this fit with Jesus' admonition to love our enemies and to treat others as we would like to be treated? "Blessed are the peacemakers..." ~ link
✽ NMCOT but FWIW, DIY tattoos ~ BBC News
✽ Faith Popcorn: "Down-Aging: Nostalgic for their carefree childhood, baby boomers find comfort in familiar pursuits and products from their youth." Is this unique to boomers? What is perhaps different is that bommers were so heavily marketed to in their childhoods. There is so much more to turn back to!
✽ There are some downsides to the privatization of government services. ~ link (Apparently, the strike has now been averted. ~ AZ Central)
✽ Have a great day with Neck Basket. ~ link (via)
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