✽ Promo video from Christopher Wright: The Mission of God's People ~ link
✽ I ordered The Mission of God's People -- to be released next Tuesday. I had used his book Mission of God in a seminary class (grad-level) I taught last spring. This new book appears to put the cookies on a slightly lower shelf. Unusual and creative outline. ~ link
✽ CBN recently did a piece on the Marin Foundation's "love is an orientation" approach. Pleasant surprise from an unexpected place. God still does miracles. - link
✽ Re-reading the late Ralph Winter's paper on the 12 mistakes that Western missionaries have made. ~ link (.pdf)
✽ The Illustrated Guide to a PhD by Matt Might does a good job of simply explaining the role and function of the degree. ~ link (via)
✽ All three of our 20-something children arrived back in the States this afternoon. Kent is here in Phoenix with us. It's a joy!
✽ "Native Americans in Arizona Vow to Deport All Non-Native Americans" ~ link (via)
✽ More cynical humor:
NOGALES, Arizona (GlossyNews) — The Tea Party, which claims it is less racist than a blind beggar, held a rally on the Mexico-Arizona border today to demand the US Government, which they claim spends too much money, spend millions more dollars to patrol the border and keep out illegal immigrants... ~ link✽ I love this new book's title -- Reluctant Pilgrim: A Moody, Somewhat Self-Indulgent Introvert's Search for Spiritual Community. I know absolutely nothing about the writer or the publisher but the title is captivating.
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