WHY YOUR MEMORY is getting worse. ~ link
I'VE NOT YET been to Maui but I sure like groovin' to the tunes on Native 92.5. I do miss being around islanders.
IRENIC debriefing of the May 21st rapture fiasco by Timothy Dalrymple. I so like his approach and level-headedness that I've started to follow him on Twitter. It's always encouraging when the younger folk surpass the previous generation in wisdom. ~ link
"HAROLD CAMPING 'flabbergasted' world didn't end" -- Interesting story in the SF Chronicle uses language often employed to describe controling cults -- "shunned" -- "Camping's compound."
NEW HOUSE CHURCH magazine out of Canada -- Starfish Files. I assume that "starfish" is a reference to the dominant metaphor in The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations.
IS VIETNAM the next China? ~ The Economist
Brad, my Dad liked to say "My memory is actually getting better; in fact it's so good I'm starting to remember things that never happened."
More likely it relates to Wolfgang Simson's Starfish Manifesto link
Could be -- could very well be
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