Tuesday, December 31


The ELCA is trying to get Davey & Goliath back onto the tube and they need $5 million to do it. They've raised some of that by hocking Mountain Dew (whatever!). And they're hoping to raise a bunch more by selling D & G gear.

I loved D & G as a kid and am looking forward to having them back. However, I have this gnawing fear that they'll no longer be preaching the gospel but a bunch of pc morality tales. A press release sent out a couple of weeks ago regarding the first new episode is feeding my fear.

"'The basic story outline is about tolerance, understanding and respect. Davey learns about the religious and cultural practices of his friends Benji, who is Jewish, and Yasmeen, who is Muslim. The story takes place just before Christmas and includes material about Hanukkah and Ramadan. The story's action is centered around what happens when Davey and his friends go snow boarding and, of course, get into trouble. As always, Goliath ends up saving the day,' said Kristi S. Bangert, director for marketing and interpretation, ELCA Department for Communication."

I'm going to hold off on buying my D & G gear until I see whether I'll be embarrassed to carry my lunch in the official D & G lunch box. I don't want to get hosed.

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