Thursday, January 9

David Yount argues that the problem with religion is organization. This is a common argument that surfaces every time the weaknesses of the organizations are laid out bare. Of course, if you push on the idea too much you end up with a Gnosticism that is contrary to Christianity. Perhaps the criticism should be aimed at an overorganized religion or a misorganized religion. There is a world of difference between the ecclesiastical structures in my own Evangelical Covenant Church and the politically charged Episcopal Church or the scandalized Roman Catholic Church. We have organization but the church itself isn't defined by the organization. We have politics but politics doesn’t drive the church. And there is a level of fluidity that I appreciate. No church organization is going to be perfect. Like individual Christians, churches are both "saints and sinners" at the same time. But just because some dogs have a lot of fleas doesn't mean that all dogs are flea ridden – or that flea bitten dogs have to remain so.

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