Saturday, May 10

The spring 2003 edition of re:generation (not yet online) sports a new look and a new publisher -- and several really good articles.

From Race to Taste: Wealth and Status in the Postmodern World -- "A sense of 'taste' (as expressed by our stuff and how we exhibit it) may be the postmodern equivalent of skin color. Having the wealth to consume and display certain sorts of 'taste,' even a taste for packaged ethnic diversity, makes anyone acceptable..."

Small Worldview: How Walt Disney's Neurosis Became Our Reality -- "Christianity's claim, of course, is exactly the opposite of Campbell's -- that the historic appearance of Jesus in Galilee two thousand years ago was the myth finally made real, the hopes and fears of all the years finally incarnated in a God willing to humble himself to save the absurd species made in his image. Thus Christianity, which has as one of its central metaphors the idea of marriage as the basis for community and cultural life, always gets short shrift by Disney, whose constantly moving business goal of 'creating the mythology of the future' means an endless redefinition of family away from its traditional heterosexual and monogamous roots and toward the farthest fringes of whatever political cultural will allow."

Practicing the Discipline of Place -- "The renewal of our culture depends on our willingness to love particular places and people."

What L'Abri Means -- introduces a new generation to the ongoing ministry established by Francis and Edith Schaeffer.

And there is a lot more that I just haven't gotten to yet.

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