Monday, May 12

Frederica Mathewes-Green: "I believe there's one big flaw in the Matrix's theology. It's the idea that the beauty of creation is a deceptive lie, generated by evil forces. Real reality, the way Neo and the others discover it, is ugly, dirty, and gray. The temptation they must resist is the desire to return to the illusory world of flowers, birdsong, and sizzling steaks. Courageous humans instead must remain resolutely in their muddy realm, wearing their dingy clothes. (Not to be a pest, but if the struggling liberated humans can have clothes that are brown and gray, why can't they have clothes that are purple and green? And if they can whisk all around the time-space continuum, why can't they locate a Laundromat?)" Read all of Frederica Mathewes-Green's right-on analysis of the Matrix's world.

However, I'm still planning to see the reloaded version -- not just for the effects -- but because this is how a good portion of the people I meet are viewing reality. It all started with Star Wars and went downhill from there. The story lines are great if you can separate fantasy from reality.

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