Tuesday, June 3

Ted, the president of the National Association of Evangelicals, was interviewed in CT.

He says, "This is evangelicalism's finest hour. It is the time for evangelicalism to assert itself in the public debate of ideas. One of my passions is to ensure that evangelicalism is thoughtfully and effectively represented. NAE needs to facilitate the body of Christ in the communication of the gospel."

But then he adds, "Even though NAE represents all evangelicals in America by virtue of our name, we need be more proactive in encouraging people to directly affiliate with us so they can have a voice in what we're saying that they believe. Here's what I tell people: NAE represents you but if you will join NAE, then you get to have input in what we say you believe."

Really? Just because they have the word evangelical in their name, that doesn't mean they have any kind of mandate to represent all evangelicals, most of which are not affiliated with the NAE . The whole things is very triumphal and cheeky -- and doesn't sound like a very thoughtful and effective representation of evangelicalism.

These days I'm much excited about what's happening with Christian Churches Together in the U.S.A. I think that this is a much more rounded endeavor into which we can pour our ecumenical energy.

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