Tuesday, September 9

Got the grass mowed -- bushes pruned -- including the out-of-control lime tree by the front door of the house (It doesn't give many limes but it sure smells good). Also, planted the fall garden -- carrots, cauliflower, beans, and peas -- put in a new fence post. Fertilized all eight citrus trees and hacked a bit on the apricot -- not quite time yet to do pruning on that. I think I'm going to be stiff tomorrow.

To relax I watched Pauline & Paulette (no one else really wanted to watch it with me). Great film -- making the point "Blessed are the meek--for they shall inherit the earth." All others just get what they long for. (It goes well with the Word Spy word of the day -- miswanting.)

Pauline & Paulette moves slow for the American audience (nothing gets blown up and there aren't any chase scenes) but it's still a wonderful film. It's in Flemish and by the end of the movie I found that I was actually understanding a small amount of the vocabulary -- without even reading the subtitles.

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