Thursday, October 9

(Thursday) I know that the focus is on security breaches at Guantanamo these days, but is anyone else concerned that we're indefinitely holding 660 people there? These are all people who have been denied due process of any sort. They have not been found guilty by any court and they have no way of proving their innocence.

I understand that there may be a need to keep some prisoners. But it seems that we're selling out the very things for which America says it stands by keeping prisoners under these conditions. How can we expect to influence the world toward the adoption of human rights if we aren't concerned about the rights of these men (and their families). Certainly this kind of activity (and the underlying attitude) is going to be a barrier toward the development of democratically-based systems not only in the Middle-East but throughout the world. Perhaps our hypocrisy is a part of the reason we got into this pickle in the first place!

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