Monday, November 24

(Monday) I sat through another sermon yesterday that utilized Power Point and all I can say is don't do it. And I'm not just talking about the cheese factor but from a communication standpoint it is nearly impossible to maintain a speaking relationship with an "audience" if you've got a bunch of movement on the screen behind you. The speaker ends up competing with the presentation.

Think of it this way, you wouldn't want to have a television show going behind you. You'd have no eye-contact or connection with your audience. The same thing happens with Power Point.

If you must use Power Point put up a picture and leave it. Or put up the cartoon you're using and then take it down.

In regard to the reading of scripture, put up the actual text only if you want the congregation to read aloud with you. Otherwise that, too, is distracting. People won't listen to the text read because their eyes move faster than the reader. So they tend to be way ahead and don't savor the words as they're read.

Power Point has its place. I was an early adopter and I still use it with some classroom presentations as a discussion starter or as a means to provide an outline (I've simplified my presentations -- and dumped most of the special effects). But if you are trying to actually speak directly to a group it's more of a distraction than a help.

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