Thursday, January 1

(Thursday) Here's how I see it unfolding:

The Turlock Journal will be sold again. Karl Naslund will be hired to write a daily column.

President Bush will declare hostilities in both Iraq and Afghanistan to be over. All the troops will be home by November 1.

Howard Dean, in a last ditch effort to garner votes, will reveal that he secretly became a born-again Christian in 1977.

The 11th Appellate Court will rule that all anti-polygamy laws violate the First Amendment of the Constitution.

The 11th Appellate Court will overturn the results of the Super Bowl because a group of fans ran out on the field and recited the Pledge of Allegiance (including the “under God” part).

The bid to recall Arnold Schwarzenegger will fail. But his opponents shouldn’t worry because his supporters will have made good progress in amending Article II of the Constitution so that Arnold can run for President in 2008.

British Columbia will seek to become a protectorate of the United States.

The Episcopal Church, in a move to become more inclusive, will start searching for a transgendered Muslim to ordain as a bishop.

Spam will disappear.

Traffic to this blog will become so heavy that the Blogger servers will crash on at least five occasions.

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