Friday, January 16

(Friday) I don't have any idea about whether he did the things he was accused of. And I'm glad that I don't have to hear the case. But after the media fiasco he created today -- bringing in bus loads of fans, showing up for court nearly a half-hour late, dancing on top of a SUV outside the courthouse, throwing a big post-plea party for fans out at the ranch... Link

All I can say is that he must be a few more bricks shy of a pallet than I originally thought. The only people with less going on above the shoulders are probably his fans. This is just one more embarrassment for our state -- and when you consider all the fruits and nuts we harbor -- and all that we've been through with recent political shenanigans -- that's saying a lot. What's a little more tarnish on the gold?

What, me opinionated? Am I turning curmudgeonly because I'm getting older or is it that I've just lived here so long again that it's eating at me?

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