Wednesday, February 25

(Wednesday) Ted Olsen, who edits the CT weblog, is calling today one of the busiest days for religion news in ages. Of course, it is Ash Wednesday and The Passion opens today. But there is also a lot of buzz about the fact that the president has come out in support of a federal marriage amendment. AND the ACLU has sued the Salvation Army for being too religious. AND the Supreme Court has ruled that Washington State can deny scholarship money to students who are studying theology. (Can you imagine any of these stories occurring 30 years ago?) Link

A few minutes ago I checked the webcam at North Park University in Chicago. It looks like a beautiful day there -- no snow -- green grass -- even up to 41 degrees. It's too bad that all the CT news writers, stationed in Chicagoland, won't get out to enjoy much of the day. They've got their work cut out for them.

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