Friday, February 6

(Friday) Linea and Randall are asking why I disagree with Brian McClaren.

I agree with a lot of what he says, but in a nutshell, he sees the current state of affairs as pointing to the emergence of a new cultural paradigm. I am more inclined to see the current state as ultra-modernism (as opposed to post-modernism). In other words, the thing which most characterizes modernism is consumerism. And the emerging generation is the ultimate consumeristic machine with an insatiable desire to individualize everything before consumption -- including spirituality. There is a lot of talk of authenticity and community. But those who identify themselves as "postmodern" or "emerging" are frustrated by their inability to achieve these ideals -- which have become an almost romanticized obsession. In other words, I am less optimistic about the culture.

Of course, there are some good things emerging -- e.g. a more critical acceptance of the role of technology and a greater interest in the spiritual dimension.

The other area where I disagree with McClaren is his notion that the gospel itself needs to morph for the emerging generation. That is, we don't just present the gospel in fresh new ways but that in order for the gospel to be heard as good news it needs to be reformulated a bit.

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