Tuesday, June 1

(Tuesday) Karl is razzing me because I wore a tie Sunday morning. (For those of you in Hawaii, a tie is an article of clothing that men wore around their necks in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when it was considered somewhat fashionable.) It was Pentecost and the only thing red in my closet was a tie. I could have worn my alb and red stole but that would have probably been distracting for many if not most of the people who worship in our church. Anyway, I don't usually wear a tie. And that's fine with almost everyone in this community where only a few bankers and an occasional physician still strangle themselves on a regular basis.

I'm sure that there are some sound theological reasons to avoid ties.

Dan, who wears a tie as often as I do, has come up with a non-theological reason to go tie free. Germs.

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