Sunday, June 20

(Sunday) This morning I attended the service at The Sanctuary Covenant Church, an 1 1/2 year-old congregation that meets in a high school theater.

It was an interesting experience. I wouldn't be surprised if all the band members were professionals -- the drummer and electric guitar player were awesome. The pastor, Efrem Smith, is an enthusiastic preacher who morphs between vocal entertainer, stand-up comedian, story-teller, and black preacher.

The service itself was a hybrid between Willow Creek, rock concert, African-American revival, and racial reconciliation rally. About half the congregation was white and half black. The energy level was definitely black. Transcendence and mystery were noticeably absent. Even the music was "I" "I" "I"...

There were about 300 people present. Although, I only counted about 100 when the service started at 10:30. Two-thirds of the congregation drifted in during the first half-hour. I suppose when the service goes nearly two hours no one feels like they're really missing out on much when they miss the first 30 minutes. The people were warm and accepting. If they had the facilities I suspect that The Sanctuary would quickly jump to megachurch status.

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