Monday, June 7

(Monday) My parents picked Kirk up from school in San Diego and brought him north to Turlock on Friday. Friday evening we all saw Kent graduate from high school.

We decided to send Kirk back to San Diego with a car for the next three weeks. This is finals week and then he will be working with the new student orientation for the following weeks. However, since he needs to be out of his student apartment this week we also needed to take the van down to pick up his stuff. So Kirk, Kent, and I set off this morning in two vehicles.

We only got about 5 miles out of Turlock when the clutch went out on our Ford Escort. I managed to nurse it back into town, off the freeway, and into the parking lot at the Circle K. It refused to go any further. Fortunately, there was a tow truck in the parking lot and the driver agreed to take the Escort to Nona's.

Repairs should be done tomorrow. However, the three of us drove down to San Diego -- about an hour behind schedule -- and with only one car. We did make a stop at UC Irvine so Kent could pick up some student laundry for his new school.

So tonight is another Motel 6 night for Kent and I. Kirk may or may not get sleep tonight. He's still packing up most of his stuff so we can pick it up tomorrow morning.

We did manage to catch the tail end of the final Stanley Cup game -- what a Lightening show!

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