Monday, June 14

(Monday) Several of my domain names are hosting on the server. This is a great service. For $5/year you get redirection to unlimited email addresses and subdomains. The interface is reasonable enough.

I am thinking, though, of moving one of those domains ( to its own server. And then I would get rid of the domain that it currently redirects to ( However, I would like to have a simple interface with unlimited email redirection and subdomains for people in my family. I'd like to have at least 1,000 MB of disk space, 50 GB of bandwidth/month, a history of reliability, good back-up -- all for under $10/month. Any time I start to investigate this I'm swamped with options. I need some personal input from others who pay for hosting. Any suggestions?

I currently have some hosting with, which provides great service, but their interface is not user friendly. And I have to stop and think through what I'm doing every time I update anything. That is, it's not intuitive.

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