Sunday, July 4

(Sunday) We had two fabulous outreach oriented events this past week. Our Vacation Bible School was probably the best that I've ever had part in. God brought together a wonderful group of children, leaders, and a great curriculum. And even though it was the 4th we had two VBS families visit Cornerstone this morning. (Three quarters of the regulars were gone but we had visitors!)

Then this evening we had our annual July 4th picnic and fireworks show. Since we're just down the block from Cal State University Stanislaus, where the community fireworks show happens, we've been setting up the grills and inviting people to hang-out together and then watch the fireworks. The Indian-speaking church which meets in our building joined us for the first time -- which was fun.

Recently we've had quite a few more non-Anglo participants (mostly Hispanics and Assyrians) in the life of the church -- the mix of which makes things look a little more like a slice of heaven.

It was a warm 4th (mid-90's) but cooled off enough this evening to make things quite comfortable. The heat has helped the garden. The tomatoes are ripening nicely. And I've had another mango and another key lime germinate this week.

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