Thursday, July 1

(Thursday) It happens every year -- more so in the years when Independence Day falls close to a Sunday -- or even on Sunday, as is the case this year. Someone gets upset because we don't sing patriotic songs during worship. It's seen as a slap in the face of America -- an insult. Some people, I'm sure, think that I'm not very patriotic.

And I try to reassure people that such isn't at all the case. I love America. We as a church appreciate the liberties that we enjoy. We are supportive of our nation and pray weekly for those in public office -- especially the president. We pray for the safety of soldiers and sailors.

However, the problem with patriotic music is that it is -- well, patriotic. By definition it is about country and singing the praises of this great place where we live. In contrast Christian worship by definition is about God and singing the praises of the Creator and Redeemer. It's not that we dislike patriotic music. It's just that it's not appropriate for what we're doing when we gather to worship because it's not really about God. It's about country. And that shifts the focus from where it needs to be during those few short minutes that we give to collective worship.

Even the patriotic music which actually mentions God isn't really about God. It's about country and invokes the name of God to exalt country.
God Bless America.
Land that I love
Stand beside her, and guide her
Thru the night with a light from above.
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, white with foam
God bless America
My home sweet home.

I'm still trying to figure out when some churches started to use patriotic music during their worship. It has got to be a fairly recent phenomena (the last 100 years?). And as far as I can tell it's only an American thing. Canadians won't sing "O, Canada" this Sunday (BTW, happy Canada Day, today). The Brits don't ever replace "O Worship the King" with "God Save the Queen."

The United States is a great place. Patriotism is generally a good thing. And patriotic songs should be sung. But not when we've come together for the purpose of honoring God.

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