Sunday, December 19

The US diplomatic mission in Havana put up a Christmas display wishing the Cubans happy holidays. As a part of the display they included the number "75" -- an obivous reference to the 75 pro-democracy activists imprisoned for lengthy terms last year by the Cuban government. (Link)

The Cubans have retaliated by slapping up several billboards nearby that feature pictures of abused Iraqi prisoners and American soldiers pointing rifles at children. A US diplomat has responded by saying the Cubans aren't playing fair and that the billboards are fanatical and hyperbolic.

What did we expect? When we are stupid enough provoke a bully he is going to lash out. This is no way to carry out diplomacy or free the Cuban dissendents! If anything this kind of nonsense just makes Castro dig his heels in deeper. Why do we persist on a provocative approach with Cuba, when such only serves to further entrench Castro?

Isn't there at least someone in the Bush administration who has some diplomatic smarts?

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