Friday, January 14

Still working great... I haven't tried to look for an email client, yet. I perhaps won't since I can do email on the web and both of the highly recommended Mozilla products pale in comparison to Eudora (and Eudora doesn't do Linux, yet).

The other application I miss is WordPerfect. I was a hardcore WP user even BW (Before Windows) -- back in WP's heyday -- when it was owned by some guy in Utah. There is a Linux version of WP but it isn't currently in distribution. The Open Office word processor is good but it doesn't have the ease or power of WP (I have the same complaint with MS Word). Still, I do like the look and feel of the Xandros environment.

My pastoral colleague Glenn Kaiser, who has been an open source advocate for some time, has been playing with Puppy Linux. And he likes his new pet. Of course, going against the flow gives him a great sense of satisfaction (right, Glenn?). I'm sure that Linux works well with the JPUSA budget, too. Technology can be an asset for the less affluence. And that's one of the things that Linux offers -- financial accessibility.

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